The challenges of TSW
It has been a huge 2 weeks. And very little of it has to do with eczema. I even confessed to my husband that this last week has been probably the most challenging I’ve ever had. Since mum got out of hospital, I’ve been caring for her and dad full time (though my sister helped last week which was a tremendous help). Team that with working, caring for a toddler while working (my in-laws who normally care for him while I’m at work are holidaying overseas), running a household, studying and oh yeah… I have that battle with TSW so I’m doing all of that on sometimes very little sleep.
I’m allowed to whinge, life is tough at the moment. I choose to whinge so I can air out my frustrations for a bit. And this is a good outlet.
But now that my whinge is over, let me tell you about the GREAT things that have happened in the last 2 weeks (because I don’t do things in halves).
- I bought a car
- I sold a car
- I started dancing again and LOVE it
- I started karate and… somewhat enjoy it… jury is out on that one, but I’m getting out there
- I may have solved my dad’s issue with chronic fatigue as he is positive for the MTHFR C677T and A1298C gene abnormalities (not mutations lol) so have started his supplement treatment and have begun educating him on gluten free/dairy free lifestyle
- Mum is walking around a lot more without oxygen and although the bads are pretty bad, the goods are really excellent
- Took a road trip with mum, dad, my husband and child to Portsea and found the camp that my parents both went to when they were 10 years old! Turns out they were both there at the same time – pretty amazing 🙂
So I’ve found some really awesome ways to feel normal through all of this. And because it has been so full on, I’ve barely had time to think about my skin. Ok, not entirely true, perhaps I’ve had a lot LESS time to think about my skin. And it hasn’t been too bad to be honest.
Today is day 79, still haven’t completed month 3 yet, but going strong. I had a good long soak in the Melbourne bay on Sunday (in 17 degrees C) – my mum was privy to the conversations of passers by who thought I was insane. I think TSW is insane, but ah well.
A few awesome TSW discoveries I’ve made in the last few weeks…
- MSM supplements, started these less than a week ago and I really think these are working a charm, either that or the penny has just dropped from the combination of everything I’m currently on!
- Zinc impregnated bandages. Even though I choose to ignore some of the nasty additives in this bandage, it’s simply AMAZING how well it clears up wounds. Even though some are weeping and they are hot and sweating in the bandage overnight, it still improves 110{b45efdd3eb7c0c4fff4c3ac26ec3bf28e8b0e1ac25bcedeef9395c9a618472f7}.
- Water. Someone in class told me to drink water like it’s going out of fashion. Because I source my own water from a mountain spring (delish!), I’ve been trying to go to town on it as much as possible and ‘eat’ it when I remember. Eating water means chewing it like you would food, apparently it is absorbed in your mouth to start the hydration process. I have noticed that I don’t pee very often and with all the salt baths I am (was) taking, I probably need more than normal as well. Anyway, now I’m very aware of it and am getting as much water into me as I can.
- I’m MTHFR A1298C Homozygous which = 20{b45efdd3eb7c0c4fff4c3ac26ec3bf28e8b0e1ac25bcedeef9395c9a618472f7} less loss of MTHFR function. Also got my test results back and booked in to a naturopath for a thorough rundown. Don’t ask me how much $ – it’s a little scary.
- I hate taking medication, but after panadol actually came up in a balance, I’ve been taking 2 at night and I sleep really well. This is a HUGE relief. Were you aware that itch receptors are the same as pain receptors? This is why this works so well.
So my current regime looks like this:
- Rehmannia for adrenal support
- Diet: gf/df/sf/nightshade free/orange free/pork free/fruit free
- Sometimes forgetting, but flaxseed oil in food
- Vit B, D, E, Salmon Oil, Tre-en-en, MSM… I’m sure there’s more
- DSS baths getting less frequent now. Just had the first in 2 days. Adding vit C to the water, seems to help with the sting of plain water before the salt goes in. No rinsing.
- Sea dip/swim whenever temp approaches 20 degrees!
- Moisturiser withdrawal (still don’t understand why the TSW community won’t embrace this!!!!!)
- Sea water on face for ‘moisturising’
- Zinc bandages at night in spots that are oozing. Tonight may just be the first night I don’t have any ooze….. YAY!
There’s been little time for meditating or therapies, but I’m doing ok. The less I think about it, the better it gets – even with all the stress I’ve got going on which is VERY interesting. Normally stress is a killer for my skin. But I’m also way more positive with myself. However I did see a very interesting alternative therapist recently which has helped TREMENDOUSLY with my emotional wellbeing and self esteem. This could possibly be the biggest factor in my healing recently.

Day 72

Day 78