Crashing down
There was a reason I was in a rush to post my last post. You have to capture the good times and keep them as fresh in your mind as long as you can. Because it doesn’t take long for the wave of this horrible process to dump you down and smash you. Every day is different. Every day brings its own challenges. Every day has you learning something new about yourself.
School was pretty awesome, particularly on Saturday. I came home and told my husband we were going out for dinner and I’d have meat and veg and we’d be right. And we were. I didn’t stress about food too much, I just relaxed a little and went with the flow and had a normal night out.
But after a great weekend, I left class on Sunday somewhat flat. By Tuesday, I wasn’t able to move my neck at all and worked from home all week to try to rest and heal without seeing the world. Yes, I’m becoming the hermit of my patterning. I just needed a break. Sleepless nights and getting up at 6am don’t really go well together. At least working from home meant I could sleep in and catch up a bit. And control my diet easier.
Progress to date (if you could call it that):
- Removed the VSL#3 probiotic from my regime after it tested up as bad for my body
- Have backed off slightly on the LGG probiotics for a little bit
- Removed evening primrose oil after it tested up
- Added rehmannia herb for adrenal support (can’t use licorice root as I’m still taking oral steroids)
- Vomited my guts out last night for seemingly no reason at all – this is fun, isnt it?
- Meditating at least once a day
- Taking my flower essence
- Nightshades completely out of my diet
- Semi-anti-candida diet (if that even makes sense), need more preparation but little energy to put into it
- Started juicing (just one a day)
- Upped my dss baths to 2 a day for last 2 days to try to get on top of my neck ooze. Helping a bit, as does the sun.
- Getting more sleep by having a very clear intention that I WILL sleep and religiously taking my vitamin B in the mornings (helps enormously with the skin crawl/nerve pain sensations)
- Booked in for 2 alternative therapies to get my mind in shape
By the look of this, I’m still obsessing over my skin. But it’s seemed less so. I’m trying to just take it in my stride as much as possible and get on with work. Work is a nice distraction right now…

Day 49

Day 50

Day 51