It’s been a while since I’ve posted and that’s mainly because I’ve had less focus on my skin! Dare I say that I might actually be over this beast???

The ‘skin drink’ my naturopath told me to take has been nothing short of amazing. I notice within a few days if I’ve stopped taking it and it has single handedly been the most important component of my healing. Of course, my saviour – the bioptron lamp – is definitely a winner, but to an extent, that was just healing the symptoms. The ‘skin drink’ is healing from the inside.

An interesting thing to note about eczema & TSW is that skin is the last organ to show signs of stress. So that means if the outside of our bodies look like a big TSW mess, imagine what’s happening on the inside. If your skin is dry and flaking, imagine what all the cells are feeling like – cells NEED fats to function properly. If we’re not giving each and every cell enough fats to operate, the whole system just breaks down. Just like a car with no oil. And if the skin is the LAST place to feel the effects, we have a severe deficiency that is not being addressed.

I remember a balance I had where my kinesiologist told me I wasn’t absorbing the vast number of oily supplements I was taking very well. I never got around to working on that – big mistake! This was the key and I’d missed it! Or rather, ignored it. And that’s where the ‘skin drink’ comes in. Because it uses the soy lecithin granules whizzed in through the oils with water, the oil binds to the water to make it easily absorbed by the body’s cells. So this has corrected the absorption issue I was having. I noticed before I started this drink that my *cough* number two’s were rather slimy – a pretty clear indication that the supplements were just going straight through me and not absorbed. But since the skin drink, it’s not the same, a lot more ‘normal’.

But the best thing is there is no skin shedding. Yes, I wear black people, I wear BLACK. And my skin feels like a baby’s bottom. No joke – I actually ask people to feel how soft my skin is now!

Day 158

Day 158