Quick! Write it down!
Today was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. After yesterday’s kinesiology session, today I was with my kinesi and reiki besties to get some homework sorted. And what a relief! They allowed me to be worked on as much as I needed (they were chuffed to get some homework under their belts too) and really made me accountable for my spiritual side, not just the physical.
Exactly what I needed. Some essential oil advice, astrologer advice, removal of troublesome probiotics, prescription of a flower essence… But most importantly, a good cry, loads of laughs and people who listen and get me.
Fab day.
Got home, son to bed, had a relaxing (not excruciating) dead sea salt bath by candlelight with crystals in the water and feel a million bucks.
I had to write this down because now I’m going to sleep. Us in withdrawal know that nighttime is where the boogie man lingers. No! Stop! Positive thinking!!!!!!!

Quick! Write it down!